We all need a helping hand every now and again, and here at Christ Central we are committed to serving one another and sharing one anothers burdens.  But we cant do this if you dont let us know about it!


Ways we provide help:


Community Groups

Our community groups are not just intended as midweek Bible studies, they are a brilliant place to ask for prayer and practical support from those who live closest to you and who know what is happening in your life.  If you are in need of help then please contact your community group leader (or you probably have community group WhatsApp you can post in).

Wed love to match you to a group, even if you cant attend midweek, because this means you can still get and give support, as well as get involved in whatever socials the group may do at other times.  Please contact Tina Kapp if you want to be matched to a group: tina@christcentral.org.uk


Via the QR code (online web form) & our Ministry Team

You will have seen us mention our Connect QR Form on a Sunday morning, this link is always live, and if you need any kind of help then you can let us know at any time. We pick up these messages in office hours Tues-Thurs.

Find the form here:

Connect Online QR Form


This is a great option if you are in need of prayer support from our Ministry Team, and in particular if you prefer to submit a request anonymously, or if you would like a prayer support visit or phone call in the week.


Our Ministry Team are also available on any Sunday, even if we have not done a please come forward for prayer call, just speak to a leader on the day.


Pastoral Care Team

Our Pastoral Team are great at making sure more complex needs are being looked after, they may provide more in-depth support in difficult, long-term situations, and they are also great and making sure needs are being met by the most appropriate person e.g. designated couple for marriage counselling support.

Our pastoral team is headed up by Annmarie Moran whom you can contact at annmarie@christcentral.org.uk